Amerta movement
Amerta movement is a practice developed by Suprapto Suryodarmo, from Java, evolving in conversation with Indonesian and other artists world-wide. Practice can serve as a support for creative work, and/or a time to honor the wild and subtle dances at play in the bodybeing. It is a process-oriented practice, fostering new possibilities in how we perceive, how we receive, and how we move. The inner landscape of our bodies can grow in communication with the animated immediacy of our wider world.
Skinner Releasing Technique
Releasing explores the rich, multidimensional dialogue of movement and imagination, specifically poetic imagery. The dancing is fostered in part through partnered work, in which specific touch and subtle movement suggest new kinetic and kinesthetic possibilities - opening, lengthening, widening, tipping, falling, more. Music is woven throughout the classes, lending texture, space, and provocation to the mix. Physical awareness, availability to impulse, and allowing movement to happen are central to this experiential, experimental and process-oriented practice. See Skinner Releasing Network for background.
Luscious Movement
Explore full-bodied dancing and rolling; become more sensitive to changing relationships to ground and one another; listen to, read, join, influence and be influenced in specific shared movement; find internal support and centers of gravity; learn to receive weight or support from others and the environment; play with the visual field while seeing from within our constellation. We work for about an hour with principles and light structures/ suggestions for improvising, followed by open time to dance with all that’s cooking.
Space for creative projects, individuals or groups, summer 2025. Wanting information, or to apply?