Whole Body/Back Body is an innovative approach to supporting the serious archer in shaping and discovering their shot cycle. It's a handbook of exercises intended to wake up connection to your back, to improve mobility, coordination and awareness in movement, to tune your body as you would your bow.
An Image that’s Alive is a conversation with Sally Dean, Lily Kiara, and myself, initiated by Margit Galanter, on the subject of imagery, its significance and meaning in Skinner Releasing as well as the Amerta movement approach. The resulting article can be accessed at Contact Quarterly.
Attending to Details of Difference illuminates several meeting points of Skinner Releasing with techniques and choreographic practice applied over five years among dancers of diverse bodies and backgrounds, in an integrated mixed-ability context. Topics include: facilitated movement exploration; improvisation based on witnessing and reflecting; new work devised and performed in collaboration with participants. Published in the edited volume Skinner Releasing Technique: A Movement and Dance Practice. Available at Triarchy Press
SEED/BED (HPK Press) is a reflection on language, landscape and the body, comprising original writing, drawings, photographs, and textiles. The 36-page book is printed in zine format in a limited edition of 100. Write for your copy. $15 + S&H.